Custom STM32 Dev Board

Matia Choi,embedded

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I created a custom STM32 Dev Board with KiCAD. While I was browsing through YouTube, I came across a YouTube channel by the name of Phill's Lab. These videos were great a explaining the basics of STM32 and PCB design.
Since I was interested in both moving away from the Arduino platform and wanted to try hands-on experience in PCB design from start to finish, I decided to pursue and follow one of his YouTube tutorials which you can also find video (opens in a new tab). This video showcases the process of creating a simple dev board with STM32F103. I thought it would be a great opportunity to get into STM32, learn how to do PCB design, and learn how to manufacture PCBs which could be used in my future projects. Since all of my projects ended up using a hand-soldered perfboard in the end, this project should also make my future projects look more professional and cleaner.

I will leave the explanation of the process of creating the board to the YouTube video (opens in a new tab) by Phill's Lab.

Here are some screenshots.

Photo Photo

I also ordered the design on JLCPCB.

While I had limited experience with PCB design before starting this project, I was able to gain important insights about PCB design to production throughout this project.