Snipping Tool Saver for Windows 10
At college, I usually use my gaming laptop connected to two monitors like a desktop with Windows 11. While I was away from college at home during this Winter, I was using my Windows 10 ThinkPad to do some STM32 development. This is when I noticed that Windows 10 would not save my screenshots taken by the snipping tool(Win + Shift + S) to Pictures/Screenshots automatically like Windows 11. I wrote a Visual Basic Script to do the task for me.
Make sure to find the correct source directory first where Windows stores your screenshots temporarily.
The code can be found on my Github (opens in a new tab).
' Visual Basic Script for automatically saving screenshots taken by the Window's Snipping Tool
' v0.1
' By Matia Choi
' Jan 8, 2024
' Define the source and destination directories
Const SourceDir = "C:\Users\matia\AppData\Local\Packages\MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyewy\TempState\ScreenClip"
Const DestDir = "C:\Users\matia\Pictures\Screenshots"
' Create the FileSystemObject
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Show a startup dialog
MsgBox "Screenshot Copier by Matia Choi" & vbCrLf & "The script is starting and will monitor: " & SourceDir & "And will copy the images to: " & DestDir
' Init date and time variable
Dim currentDateTime
currentDateTime = Now
currentDateTime = Replace(currentDateTime, "/", "-")
currentDateTime = Replace(currentDateTime, ":", "")
' Create an array to store two files since taking a screenshot generates two files.
' One high res and one low res
Dim imgArr(1)
' Clear Folder Initially
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(SourceDir)
Set files = folder.Files
' Empty the source dir
For Each file in files
' Main loop
Do While True
' Check for files in the source directory
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(SourceDir)
Set files = folder.Files
' Set the array to null
Set imgArr(0) = Nothing
Set imgArr(1) = Nothing
' Initialize img counter
Dim imgCounter
imgCounter = 0
For Each file In files
If Left(file.Name, 1) = "{" AND Right(file.Name, 3) = "png" Then
' Add image file to loop
Set imgArr(imgCounter) = file
' Increment counter
imgCounter = imgCounter + 1
End If
' Variable to store the output file
Dim outputFile
' Check if the array is not empty
If Not imgArr(0) Is Nothing And Not imgArr(1) Is Nothing Then
' Compare the sizes and assign it to outputFile accordingly
If imgArr(0).Size > imgArr(1).Size Then
Set outputFile = imgArr(0)
Set outputFile = imgArr(1)
End If
' Get the correct file name and copy
currentDateTime = Now
currentDateTime = Replace(currentDateTime, "/", "-")
currentDateTime = Replace(currentDateTime, ":", "")
outputFile.Copy DestDir & "\" & currentDateTime & ".png"
' Empty the source dir
For Each file in files
End If
' Wait for a bit before checking again
WScript.Sleep 500 ' 500ms
The code can be found on my Github (opens in a new tab).